
Showing posts from March, 2018

2018/2019 Goals

Hey everyone! This is going to be a post on what I hope to achieve in 2018-2019, and what I am hoping to do throughout the year. I apologise for not being active on my blog in months, but so much has been happening, I really have struggled to find the time.  However, I really will try to make the time to write posts this year.  I originally was going to post this post at the start of 2018, but I never got the chance to finish writing it. So, lets get to the goals... 1.  Complete my course Sounds a bit silly, but I really want to finish my course with the a good grade that reflects my hard work and motivation to the course.  I am aiming for high grades, so it will be disappointing if I do not achieve the grades I am hoping for...but I don't there is nothing I can do and all I can do is just try my best. 2. Become more confident  This is a goal I am always setting myself, and in the last year my confidence has definitely grown.  I would like to be able to say in a year's